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Comics 2 film interviews Gerry Alanguilan (Elmer comics)

just saw this in my inbox, and yes! I wanna see Elmer in live action movie with CGI Chickens!!!

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ELEVATOR (E): Describe ‘Elmer’ in two sentences or less.

Gerry Alanguilan (GA): Elmer is a comic book that speculates what it would be like if chickens had suddenly gained the intelligence and consciousness of humans and are now demanding rights due to them as the newest members of the human race. It is the story of a family of chickens who struggle to survive in a suddenly complicated, dangerous and yet beautiful world.

E: If you were to compare ‘Elmer’ to a movie or TV show what would it be?

GA: It’s like ‘Schindler’s List‘ meets ‘Babe‘.

Read more here at http://www.comics2film.com/index.php?a=story&b=32073

March 28, 2008 - Posted by | filipino artist, interview, komiks |

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